We want to visualize performance of top N products. Tree Map is a good choice. It has a mosaic appearance where the size of each mosaic represents the amount of measure field (Sales as representative of performance). Mosaics can be colored based on a continuous or discrete measure. For Top N Products a parameter needs to be defined.
Mosaic size all represents sales amount. The number of mosaics is defined by the user.
Mosaic color represents profitable/unprofitable
Mosaics color is based on Sales
Mosaics color is based on Profit Ratio
Also we want tooltips showing the product name, sales (which represents the performance and depicted as the size of each mosaic), and the measure amount which is behind the color of the mosaic. For example, when Profit Ratio (continuous measure) is behind coloring of mosaics:
When Profitability (discrete measure) is behind coloring of mosaics: